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Trading It All..

My husband and I have always grown up in the city, yet we have this dying urge to live a simplistic lifestyle in the country. We love the sounds of nature, the animals all around, and we love the privacy and the liberty to do whatever the heck you want without being disturbed by anyone.

I don't mean to sound like a grump here. We just love the open field and the woods, and we love having a large space for our dogs to run around!


So How Do We Do This?

We've talked about having more animals. Not gonna lie, I was very hesitant at first with this idea. The early mornings, the constant caring (like being a nurse wasn't enough!), the vet bills and the crazy amount of animal food for each animal on the hobby farm... All I thought about was the responsibility.

But then, I thought about the rewards it would bring...

Depending on the size of the hobby farm and the variety of animals we would have, we could seriously make a decent self-sufficient way of living! Not only that, but we could very well decrease our time working for someone else, and spend that extra time on our own business instead! Not to mention, this would be a major bonus when we eventually have children!

My interest to trade my city life for a country life suddenly spiked.


Before Diving In

I would love to know who has done such a significant lifestyle change.

What motivated you?

Where did you start?

Was it hard to profit from your hobby farm?

What advice would you give others?

We're thinking a hobby farm will help us get to our simplistic lifestyle that we're looking for. Solar panels to live off clean energy. Crops to harvest all sorts of gorgeous organic vegetables. Fruit trees to savour natures finest sugars. Bee hives and a small variety of animals...


In the end, living off what nature provides seem like a much more stressless life than the hustle and bustle of the big city. I also look up to kids who grow up in the country, and who live a much more active lifestyle than those in the city. They just seem so much more independent and happy with the simplest of things.

I don't want my kids to grow up in to materialistic sponges. There's so much more to life than to work. I want to set the example to work to live, and not to live to work.

Have you taken the leap to Trade It All?

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