The Butterfly Project
Today at work, I learned about a new amazing pilot project aimed to improve the #quality of life amongst residents in #Long-Term Care homes.
I was immediately interested to find out more about this. Improving quality of life?! Improving the look and feel of Long-Term Care home?! Hell yes! How has no one thought of doing this before?!
The project helps discover and reveal the #human and #emotional side of residents - emphasizing that the person they used to be still lives inside of them each and every day. It's about removing the label of a "resident" and perceiving them as "people co-living in a home". The project helps bring happiness and meaning to their lives.
The walls in the hallways are painted in #bright, realistic landscapes. The staff are dressed in every day clothes. The residents, or I should say people, are taking part in the every day chores that goes on in a home. It makes them feel as though they have a purpose.
Watch the full video to see how this moment can help reduce the use of #antipsychotic #drugs, #falls, cases of worsened #depression, and reduce in staff #sick time.
What are we waiting for?! Let's do this everywhere!