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The post that started it all...

Welcome to UNMAPPED! I'm so thrilled that you've taken the time to check out what this site is all about. So let me tell you, as I write my first post. Please also forgive me as it'll take me a while before I get a good handle on this blogging thing, but I suppose everyone needs to start somewhere!

I think it was spring 2017 when I first thought about blogging. I thought about it from spending hours on Pinterest, pinning away the evening and reading the experiences of people around the world about a recipe they've tried, or that really cute DIY that never seems to turn out like the photo...ever...but I continued to pin anyway. I enjoyed reading the endless supply of stories and unique experiences from others. Whatever I felt like reading about, there was always many relatable posts right at the convenience of my fingertips.

So I began to think about what I liked to do, what I liked to talk about, and how I could be a resource to my community. I've always known that I love to help others (which is why I became a nurse), but I also know that I love storytelling. So I decided that I want to write and share about my own experiences, and how I see the world. To act humble by acknowledging my own failures, and sharing when accomplishments are reached. To divulge my own struggles, obstacles, and the journey behind how I overcame them. I hope to inspire young achievers to dream big. I hope to shine a light in those who feel darkness. I hope to challenge bravery during tough conversations. I hope to teach how to incorporate creativity in life. I hope to enlighten heavy obstacles, hash out realistic solutions, and embrace the unforeseen changes in life. Together.

My overall goal here is to create a positive culture. A positive space where anyone is free to express themselves, with good intentions that their experience(s) will be of help to someone else. A place where sharing is caring. A place to learn from each others failures, and to celebrate our successes. This site does not condone to bloating egos.

So here is my kickoff post. I can't wait to learn, share, and explore with every single one of you.



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